mY beauTiful MesS

30 September 2007

ThiS Is disGUsTinG

seriously, dont proceed any further if you have a weak stomach. i usually am not crude regarding my choices of blogging subjects and i will attempt to spare the nasty details in this one, i just feel compelled to share this story. the warnings been warned, thus i continue....alright. everybody knows that labs eat anything, or if you dont, labs eat anything. it is amazing what my dog jack has ingested and then later deposited in some form. but this one breaks all records as far as im concerned(although i just remembered his consumption of glass from a casserole dish that he'd knocked down to eat that which it had contained however, i still think this one may trump it) . last may i made blueberry muffins (i only remember it was may because i had to bake them for something specific, in case you wonder..) anyways,among my very limited arsenal of kitchen what nots, i had these plastic muffin tin things. they are re-usable and thus negate the need for those little paper muffin holders.they are hard plastic which is a very important detail to this story as the morning after my baking adventure i awoke to find that jack had jumped up on the counter and consumed what was remaining of my fresh batch of blueberry muffins. their were remnants of the plastic containers here and there but they were all torn apart and i didn't think much of it. he was sick a couple times that day but this is typical when he eats what he at times chooses to eat. the past couple of months jack has just had some random health issues which have been minor yet at the same time confusing as hes only 5 and up to this point has been a healthy dog. so lets go ahead and fast forward to a couple nights ago. i was in the backyard doing my routinely picking up of jacks wastes (that was quite a pleasant way to put it i think..) and i went to scoop some up and i am not kidding you, a whole muffin container was in the midst of it. not fragmented or halved or in pieces. it was entirely intact. this thing has been in his digestive system for 5 freaking months. no wonder hes been sick. so i post this not to disgust but as im somewhat in awe of a)how stupid of a dog i have, which ive known for some time. and b) what an iron stomach he must have. let this be a lesson to all you lab owners out there. be leery of leaving around plastic muffin containers. they apparently are hard to destroy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

POOR JACK!!! Glad he is feeling better. We miss you... Natalie and Joey, that is... well, you can add Jack to the list of miss you's as well.
lots of love,
The Hicks'

7:37 PM  

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