mY beauTiful MesS

31 January 2006

Im sCreWed, no seRioSlY i aM

So i started my first of two 8 week classes yesterday, and being the naive person that i am, thought they'd scale down the amount of work to accomadate the time being cut in half. No, they didn't. Same amount of work, only 8 weeks less to do it. and I have two of them. Never mind the fact that this semester will most likely include all of the following: my dads wedding, a 10 day trip to see my mom in Atlanta, 2 girls (one from VA and one from GA) coming up on separate weekends to have me take them on a "tour" of Columbus to see if they may want to move up here and room w/ me, a move to whereever I will be moving to with whoever I'll be rooming with, trying to spend time raise a very curious 3 year old, and last but not least...the final court hearing of our divorce. I thought last semester was stressful...AAAAAHHHHHHHH, i surrender already! The problem, I've found in casting all my anxiety on the Lord is this: i have no problem doing that when there is absolutely nothing i can do in the situation, my hands are tied and my only choice is to give it to Him. The trouble comes in situations such as these, where i have to be involved in the physical aspects of whatever the sress may be(i.e writing papers, studying..). then its harder for me to hand things over to Him, maybe He's trying to teach me something. Or maybe i should just consider myself screwed!!!

fun timeS

mornings starting off with swim lessons = long naps!!

30 January 2006

the intensity of it all

January 30, which would be today, marks my entry into a brand new facet of online education-a full, 3 credit hour class condensed from its original 16-week format, into a mere 8-weeks of existance. Although not prepared to fully engage in this craziness, I embarked, 2 weeks ago on the 2 of my classes which retained the original semester timelines. Today, another course now begins and 30 days from from today, a fourth will add itself to my semester's courseload. A month later, the one commencing today will draw to a close, followed 30 days thereafter by the termination of the fourth. A subsequent 2 weeks will ensue bringing me full circle to the culmination of another semester as I arrive at the deadline of the 2 classes I have been a part of for the last 2 weeks. I am hoping that the classes I have been/am/will be participating in will not be nearly as difficult as the task of figuring out my schedule.

29 January 2006

fOrever Your BeloVed brIDe

Hold Me Now (by Jennifer Knapp)
From glass alabaster she poured out the depths of her soul.
O foot of Christ would you wait if her harlotries known?
falls a tear to darken the dirt.
Of humblest offerings to forgive the hurt.
She is strong enough to stand in your love.
I can hear her say..
I am weak.
I am poor,
I'm broken Lord but I'm yours.
Hold me Now. hold me Now.
Let he without sin cast the first stone if you will.
To say that my bride isn't worth half the blood that I've spilled.
Point your finger and laugh if you choose
to say my beloved is borrowed and used (chorus)

Maybe a year ago, a little less probably, I borrowed a cd. New music is never fun for me to listen to, because i need to hear a song at least 5 times before I recognize it, and then about 5 more to determine whether i even like it or not. And a whole cd? It's at least a 3 month commitment to be able to actually enjoy it. so i usually don't even bother listening to anything new. For some reason though, I gave this one a shot and before long, i was really loving it. As time went on (i think i'd forgotten it was borrowed...but it eventually got back to its rightful owner, as a birthday gift, i believe) the song(i wrote the lyrics above) somehow became the only one that I listened to, and the more that i heard it, the more I realized she was singing words that could have been written for me . I started reading what had been written about the two women of this song and realized God had more or less weaved my life into theirs. in the Gospels of Luke and John, my autobiography, give or take a few details, had been alluded to... couldn't believe I'd never noticed before.
The shame is great, making it nearly impossible to imagine anything worthy escaping our souls. Even if people didn't know, it sure seemed like they knew. they may have pretended not to know, but they were only lying, they knew. Once discovered, reputations like ours aren't disposed of very easily, in fact, most of the time, they're there forever, no matter what you do to try and earn back any dignity or worth. And once you are permanently stamped with shame, the harder you try to work the dirtiness off, somehow you just keep getting worse, the stains only become darker. And then, as I'm beginning to realize the ramifications of my exposure having turned into a world-wide phenomena, stripped down to my ugly core, for everyone who has ever owned a Bible to read and then know.... all of a sudden, God seems to break through my panic and turns my thoughts back to His Word, prompting me to continue reading it again and again. He won't let me turn away. He's got my attention and He softly tells me to keep going, listen, You're missing the beauty of it.....
As the sinful whores brave the presence of this suppos-ed Savior, daring to hope, even if through a tiny glimmer, that He is who they've heard Him to be- the Son of God who forgives sinners as sinful as i, the cymbols crash and reality makes its way back as the men who also surround Jesus point out the truth about who we really are. The love I had glimpsed in the Savior's eyes as he had looked upon me was quickly forgotten as the "truth" was revealed and my eyes could no longer look into his. It doesn't say in the Bible , but I think after being called out for our filth and our sin, we probably turned, hoping for a quick escape. attempting to flee from this pure presence of God's Son, for we knew His goodness only seemed to further the depth of the pitch black that had strangled our souls and now we could no longer hide in His presence, we were exposed. Perhaps as we turn to leave, the words of a gentle rebuke stop us, and we recognize it, not as the voices of the men whom we assume have no reason not to continue shedding the details of our wicked ways. No, it was Jesus talking, and He wasn't directing His speech towards us, the sinners, as we had assumed. We needed to leave but His voice held us, frozen to where we stood, for it was not one of condemnation, and I couldn't help but gawk as I listened. After a little word with our apparantly hypocritical, exposers, He began to speak of me. "Do you see this woman? ....she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair....this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet....she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven- for she loved much." And then, He reached for me, He grabbed me and drew me near. Jesus then gently took my face and held it while His love pierced through my entire body as He looked into my eyes. "I do not condemn you, you are free to leave that life of sin. Natalie, your sins are forgiven, your faith, it has saved you; go in peace." I felt Him hug me, and watched as He turned and walked away. The only response I could muster up was, none at all... I fell to the ground, not in hopeless despair as I had so many times before. I fell because I could not handle the magnitude of the grace that I had just stepped into for the first time in my life. The weight of sin and death had been lifted; in its place He'd placed His hope to cling to, His purity to bathe in, His goodness to encounter, and His love that could no longer remember the sin and brokenness that had saturated my very being only moments prior to His words of forgiveness and freedom. Then again, maybe the sin and brokenness I'd exposed won't be forgotten Because without the depravity that had engulfed me, the magnitude and wonder of grace, with its holy annoitment of purity would not be. That unfathomable gift was given only as the sin that made me me, was unmasked in Christ's presence, prompting His bestowal of "forgiveness [which] is the light that penetrates the dark and frees the somber, shamed heart to leap with love." (Dan Allender) God is so good.

28 January 2006


Ground Zero (isn't that a crazy image... one of the few remainings of those buildings- a steel cross surviving all the chaos and destruction, I'm happy for the reminder...)

For some reason, I always feel compelled to give reasons in choosing titles- and this pertains to anything- diaries, dogs, children. It seems incomplete, like I'm keeping information from someone, to not share my thoughts as to why I picked a name or title that I have picked. Plus, it's such a comfortable "first entry," that transitions nicely into anything that may follow. Hence my reasonings for the following thoughts that follow.

Thesis Sentence: The reason that I chose "my beautiful mess" as a title for this blog literally has hundreds of legitement explanations or metaphors that could relate to my life. A little sampling of what those might look like: one of the reasons, im sorry, the only reason of what posessed me to have to start all over with a private, unlisted blog- that is such a beautiful mess(beauty having won out, but not w/out the prior messes seeming as if they would leave a lifetime of stains). Ok, the whole of existence here on Earth. utterly beautiful at its core, and yet totally messed up by its inhabitants. Um, 3 year olds in general(the mess relates more to the fact of literally being and making messes- laundry, stains, dried playdoh, faces making evident whatever they last put into their mouths , white-out on walls..just a few examples). My entire existance of 25 years is quite a beautifully, messy messy story. These are just a few of the possible thoughts behind the meaning of the title. In this case though, the truth is simply that I heard the song (by Rascall Flatts) on the radio and couldn't get it out of my head, for hours. It was so annoying, I can't even tell you. Thats why.