mY beauTiful MesS

19 April 2007


the top 4 headlines tonight on my homepage were as follows:

those are peaceful thoughts to go to sleep with...i think that they are a pretty good indication of the state of affairs in our world today. and the thoughts that keep going through my mind in the wake of the latest tragedy is how anyone could go through life without the hope of Christ? it seems incomprehenisble to me to try to wade through the day to day without something more to hope in. it also, from my standpoint, seems like a no-brainer. even if the only reason that one would put their faith in Christ is for an ultimate hope to cling to, it seems like that would be a good enough reason to do so. what else is there? i mean really? when your met with these headlines, the state of the world is obvious. its depressing. and really scary. its sad. its hopeless. how could you justify living in it without something to assure you that there is some ultimate good out there. and even though the situation is currently tainted, you can be sure that good will ultimatly win out. there will be a day where we won't be met with such headlines of such horrific events. justice will be maintained. good will conquer. why wouldn't you cling to this? through CHrist, "we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (Hebrews 6:19) and i just would not want to face the chaos of this world without it. it doesnt take tragedy away, it simply assures that redemption will reign supreme. there will have a happy ending...

15 April 2007

aN odE to jOY

O Joy that seekest me through pain,
I cannot close my heart to thee;
I trace the rainbow through the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain,
That morn shall tearless be.
(lyrics from O Love That WIll Not Let Me Go)

i could not have conveyed this facet of God's love more clearly. these words resound truth. not some hypothetical truth but a truth that is real and experiential and good. only after embracing the free gift of grace will this joy begin to permeate each and every situation. its not always found in abundance, yet when the Cross becomes the crux of one's being, joy will be there in some form. and then as time goes on and you are reminded of the traces of joy found within and amongst all of your darkest nights you somehow are filled with even more of it as you realize just how Good and Gracious this Loving God of yours is...

14 April 2007

mE, jOey, & aUnt AlliE

12 April 2007

A SiMpLe, siNcEre JoY

so, ive been sitting here at the computer putting some final thoughts into place on a paper that ive still yet to finish(although im really really close...). as interesting as it is, ive found myself completely distracted and entirely entertained by listening to the ongoing sounds emerging from Joey's room. he's cracking me up, as in literally, there have been a few occasions throughout the last 60 minutes where i've actually been laughing out loud to myself. 4 year old boys still manage to be goofballs even when they are all by themselves. he's been singing "head and shoulders knees and toes" for about 45 minutes and after each and every verse he somehow finds something hilariously funny and explodes into a bout of laughter which is promptly followed by another go of "head and shoulders, knees and toes" its funny, and somehow it gets funnier each and everytime he does it. i covet his simplistic outlook and embracement(is that a word??) of life....

10 April 2007

onE hAPpy eGG coLor-Er

(fyi...the blue and yellow egg was mine. i know, im that good...)

02 April 2007

ThAt'd Be aN affiRmaTivE oN thE dEjavU

01 April 2007
