mY beauTiful MesS

17 June 2008

a HorRibLe haPpeNinG

so, im not one to write entertainment reviews as my personal opinion is that everyone has a personal opinion which makes no one right or wrong, just personally opinionated. therefore, reviews in and of themselves are subjective and may or may not have any bearing on whether you like or dislike whatever i liked or disliked. thus, my reasonings for not sharing my critiques on all this what not. yet, i have to make an exception in this case. because i am a little concerned that perhaps i am missing something huge that someone can fill me in on. and if i am not missing something huge, then i look at this blog entry as a forewarning to you not to waste your money on the newest m. knight shyamalan flick. it is horrible, in almost every aspect. now, in all fairness, im sure that based on his history of making films, i had my hopes up. i did not see his last (Lady in the Water) and heard it was rather sub-par but thought that surely it was just a fluke as his other films were pretty much fantastic in my book. yet as i sat and watched this film, i kept waiting for things to start getting better. it never happened and actually the exact opposite took place, it kept getting worse and worse. it was bad...the acting, the story, the ending. everything. it was actually laughably bad at parts. and the thing is, it would have been bad no matter who wrote it. that is what was so incredible as i thought about it later. like, ok, watching that movie would have been a bad experience no matter whose film it was, but being that it was m. knights' it made it so much worse. i don't really know why he even wanted his name on this one. perhaps im being harsh, and yet i think not. personally opinion-ate this movie and let me know if ive gone wrong on this one, but do yourself a favor and save some money by waiting until you can rent it:)

09 June 2008

i wAsn'T aWaRE...

this morning joey asked if he could do a craft. im not gonna lie, i hate doing crafts. its a bunch of work and even more cleanup and ive made the executive parental decision to leave all the craftmaking what not to the school system as they are adequately prepared to handle the spills and clutter and cleanup in a way which i apparently am not. and this reasoning has worked thus far as i simply tell joey he can do all of the crafts that he wants to do: at school. however it is not so readily accepted now that school is out. so this morning when he asked, i absent-mindedly said sure! today i had all my children (which would be joey plus the ones i babysit for) and i was busy feeding the baby when joey proceeded with his crafting. i wasnt really paying attention and about a half hour later he yelled, "mom, come look at this." after looking, i couldn't really figure out what he had spent a whole 30 minutes doing, but i have to surmise that a rather large chunk of it probably was spent gathering supplies (which, if you can't identify include: a krispy kreme donut hat, a danimals yogurt container, a clothespin, a penny, and a bottle cap all glued onto a piece of notebook paper) as well as a generous amount of time straining to use as much glue as he could possible squeeze out of the elmer's container to hold down each and every object he had chosen for his little crafty craft. after gazing upon his newest artistic concoction, i did as any good mother would do and wooed over it for awhile while then setting it proudly in the center of our table for all to see. so please, by all means, feel free to come take a peek. its pure talent that i didnt even know existed...
ohh, thought id add a little bonus pic as well...he rules first base, all 40 pounds of him. actually he thinks that he rules the entire field as no matter where the ball is hit, you can be sure that joey will be right the midst of the action, sometimes even fighting his own teammates in hopes of obtaining the right to throw the ball to the coach after the play is over. its funny in t-ball, i just hope he learns before the big leagues. go cardinals!!!
so, he's playing first. (see, i told ya so...)

04 June 2008

jUst keEpiNg iT REaL

im not so sure what will transpire here, so just bear with me and if nothing comes together, so be it. today was a rough day for me and while there are no obligations to share that with those who may happen upon this blog, i did have this compelling urge to write about it. its a rather cathartic experience, writing, and things always feels better afterwards: thus i write. so anyways, my bad day.... the bad-ness originated as soon as my alarm clock started ringing. i knew it was going to be a rough day. i was tired and i could just tell. the details are unnecessary but suffice it to say that nothing seemed to go right today, really, nothing. these events were just the catalyst though, as i knew that really deep down, there was more then just these irritating events. and here's what i think it was: sometimes life doesn't at all look like what we'd planned it to look like. there it is, on the table... at 27, my life is not even a glimmer of what i thought or hoped it might be if id have thought about it ten or twenty years ago. and most of the time, im ok with this reality. living my life has given me perspectives, experiences, and wisdom that i obviously would never have known before. it has made my faith real and experiential and pretty exciting at times. it's been good and mostly, i am grateful for the life ive lived and am living. and then there are days like today when i look around and am like what the hell? how in the world did i end up here? while i was at the wedding this past weekend, it was hard not to look around and think that i had really screwed up somewhere. people are doing exciting things, families are doing exciting things and i guess i always dreamed of living and having those same experiences. i don't know, i could go on and on about how life should be and how its not that way. i guess everyone could maybe. and i think that this is ok. its ok to be sad about things that you wished would be but aren't. its ok to be disappointed that things aren't really at all how you thought they'd be. however, i don't think that it would be ok to dwell on these types of things either. and this is why.... God is real and He is so much bigger then any situation i may find myself drowning in at the moment. He does have a plan and im in it, thanks only to His grace. His plan is good and while it may be hard for me (today and on many others) to fathom just how all of this will transpire to goodness, it will, and it already has (on most days..:) ) and this is why im thankful for see, ive just counseled myself right through this little lull of emotions. sadness is ok to walk through, although i wish to be done with it for now. it's time again for hope...goodnight:)

03 June 2008

sUch a SlacKeR, i Am

ive been MIA but im back. at least for tonight. we just got home from a mini with friends in VA and then a quick visit with the fam in WV. both places are extraordinarily beautiful probably because i come from OH which has to be up there in rankings as far as being the flattest state in the country. any hill appears to be a mountain when from OH thus we were in the midst of what seemed like the Alps as far as im concerned. not that ive been there, but whatever. it was a great little get away and the pics are but a glimpse of the weekend's festivities. as far as the rest of life goes, i feel like im in a state of limbo, but more about that later after a good night's sleep and a hopefully resulting clear head. au revoir for now...