mY beauTiful MesS

12 February 2006

im outtie

maybe ill have a blog someday, now is not a good time. although there are only a couple people who actually read it, somehow someone else is able to get a hold of almost everything of mine, so im just quitting. journals are no longer safe, blogs are out, emails are safe at the moment, but give it some time...this will be posted for approx. 5 days and then this blog will self-destruct (remember inspector gagdet? i loved that cartoon!) peace homie g's:) (i like talking ghetto sometimes, just fyi)

10 February 2006

Ephesians 5:8-14

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible."

cHildhoOd PondErinGs

okay. I grew up on the move, certainly not as much as military families, but I've seen my fair share of the East coast. I'm pretty sure that this recurring question that has come to my mind off and on through the years stems from one or all of these moves as my mom, brother and I began to navigate our new surroundings. As far as my memory remembers, one of the biggest frustrations seemed to revolve around road names... the name of a road would just completely change at an intersection, or it would switch to another name for a couple miles and then switch back to its original name, or, and this is what really seemed to get us: their would be like 8 roads within 5 square miles that all shared the same name(umm, can we say Peachtree in Atlanta, there are seriously like 50 of them). So, this got me thinking, and for some reason, I still spend a good amount of time (while trying to fall asleep of course...) pondering this thought: So, if at the onset of road-naming, a rule had been placed stating that no road name could duplicate that of another, but anything goes with the added bonus of being able to use up to 3 names in any combination(ex. Natalie Lynn Elliott Ln could be used as well as Elliott Natalie Lynn Ln) would it be possible to have every road, street, court, avenue, lane, etc. in the entire country possessing a differernt name? Deep thoughts as a youngster, I know, but if you ever get a few minutes, ponder this dilemna. I don't think there is an answer, but using every word in the English language, as well as proper names and titles, in different combos, thats a heck of a lot of street names. On the other hand, the city of Columbus alone has sooo many neighborhoods with seemingly millions of little roads let alone driving out to the country and realizing how many little lanes their are hidden out there? Okay, I'll stop now, but think about it sometime..seriously:)

09 February 2006

old schoOL

what im listening to as we speak(or write)...please, no comments, I know im old, but thats who i am and i'm happy that way:) my most vivid memory listening to James Taylor.. I was like 17 and on Spring Break w/ my friend Cheryl in highschool. We went to the N.J. Shore w/ her fam and were out on the porch one night during high tide w/ the waves nearly right below us, listening to J.T(her dad was actually the one listening to it, but from that moment on, i was a fan!) good times, great oldies Fox 97(dan? mom? ....randy&spiff???)

FalconS anD choColatE

(don't know if you can see...his mouth is covered in M&M's!)

06 February 2006

crEEpy or CutE?

05 February 2006

A shOut ouT...

need i say more?

04 February 2006


01 February 2006


i lied in my last statement, i have also become quite adept at snacking on animal crackers (they are my favorite!!!) while studying (in any form). in fact, id have to say that these 2 activities are rarely done w/out the other (although deviated on some level...pretzels, cereal, carrots..these have all been used in the past) and to be honest, im not really sure that they could function at a solo status anymore. at least the studying part..


this is the only combination of actions that i am capable of doing simultaneously. i seriously can't even fold laundry while im talking on the phone, but as proven here, i have no problems when we're talking about paying attention to school lectures and doodling, thats right up my alley!