apparently this is the time in my life where i'm supposed to master the art of waiting, or at least become better at it. i'm not gonna lie, it's rather dull and frustrating. there are several areas in my life where i feel like God has placed me in the midst of some long, ongoing situation that has no overnight, quick-fix answer. and apparently He's insisting i merely wait in the midst of each of them. the biggest seems to be the whole job search thing. i naively thought, after finishing school in august, that the whole finding a job thing would be a piece of cake. it's not. i mean, i heard all the advice i'd been given, not one person alluding to the illusion that it would be an easy task, yet my optimistic outlook hoped for the best. im still hopeful that the right job, or even any job, at this point, will come around and know in my heart that it will, but i sit, at the moment, in the in-between, with no prospective opportunities on the table and the frustrating reality that it's nearly impossible to even get a call back after applying anywhere. and its ok, i mean deep down its ok, but i'd prefer not to be in the midst of the whole waiting lesson. ive been in this go-go-go mentality for, really, the last 4 or 5 years. i seem to thrive when i have not enough time to get everything done and so the shift from zero extra time to way too much extra time has been unnerving. i know that there will again be a time where i look back and question why the heck i was so frustrated at having ample time on my hands, but at the moment, i don't like it. and thus, i wait....