mY beauTiful MesS

31 October 2007


a brief recap of the night: we had a last minute costume change with spiderman winning out over the red power ranger. good call as the red power ranger was what we went with last year. variety is a good thing, yet a hard thing to learn. lets see...halloween was good. good night. good weather. good neighborhood. good pumpkins (if i do say so myself...) good friends. good candy (ive got a new fav...candy coated mini hershey kisses..fantastic little morsels). good things.

29 October 2007

noTe To sElf...

"....I trust Him so much that I do not doubt He will provide whatever I need for body and soul, and He will turn to my good whatever adversity He sends me in this sad world. He is able to do this because He is Almighty God; He desires to do this because He is a Faithful Father."

from Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 26

11 October 2007

qUotE oF THe [yEstEr] DaY

"That car sure has a bunch of tattoos on it"
