the top 4 headlines tonight on my homepage were as follows:
NBC: Cho prepared for rampageWe're getting a better picture of just how heavily armed Cho Seung-Hui was — a further sign of how much he had done in advance of the shootings to prepare himself for his rampage. NBC's Pete Williams reports.
Abortion ruling raises questions
OKC marks bombing anniversary
36 Calif. schools under lockdown
Abortion ruling raises questions
OKC marks bombing anniversary
36 Calif. schools under lockdown
those are peaceful thoughts to go to sleep with...i think that they are a pretty good indication of the state of affairs in our world today. and the thoughts that keep going through my mind in the wake of the latest tragedy is how anyone could go through life without the hope of Christ? it seems incomprehenisble to me to try to wade through the day to day without something more to hope in. it also, from my standpoint, seems like a no-brainer. even if the only reason that one would put their faith in Christ is for an ultimate hope to cling to, it seems like that would be a good enough reason to do so. what else is there? i mean really? when your met with these headlines, the state of the world is obvious. its depressing. and really scary. its sad. its hopeless. how could you justify living in it without something to assure you that there is some ultimate good out there. and even though the situation is currently tainted, you can be sure that good will ultimatly win out. there will be a day where we won't be met with such headlines of such horrific events. justice will be maintained. good will conquer. why wouldn't you cling to this? through CHrist, "we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (Hebrews 6:19) and i just would not want to face the chaos of this world without it. it doesnt take tragedy away, it simply assures that redemption will reign supreme. there will have a happy ending...