mY beauTiful MesS

22 August 2006


yesterday i started a new semester. the formats at Liberty have changed. instead of classes that are 16 weeks in length, most have changed to an eight week format. so, im still taking a total of 4 classes a semester, i just take 2 the first 8 weeks and 2 the next. im not gonna lie, im a little apprehensive about this. they seem to pack the majority of the work of a 16 week class into merely half the time. in fact, i began one of these last semester and had to drop it just b/c of the amount of work, well and because of the fact that my life could not have possibly been any crazier at that time. anxiety levels have only risen the last two days as i've delved into these first two classes. im taking an adolescent psych class which is interesting. its not so bad. and then im taking a theology class. as i began the reading, my thoughts of my own incompetency began taking over. which led to thoughts such as... "what was i thinking taking this course?" and "im way too dumb for this" and "this class should be only for men, they seem to be the theologians." these all crossed my mind not long after i finished reading the first sentence of the introduction for the fifth time(it was that hard to comprehend...). i found myself, once again, seemingly over my head, this time just too plain dumb to take on the class at hand. and then i remembered the learned lessons i've experienced lately. i don't muster up my own strength and "smartness," I need to leave that to God. I've got to trust that He's got a purpose for me through this class, and that I can do "all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me." so, as my grandpa says, "onward and upward" here's to theology201 and to a God who's capable of making an unqualified individual such as myself, learn and grow through it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm starting my first Theology class today!!! :)

7:41 AM  

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