mY beauTiful MesS

02 July 2006


so, when all is said and done in a divorce involving children, every little detail is hashed out and those that aren't addressed specifically are covered in Rule 27 or something like that. one of the issues is vacation schedules. each parent is entitled to 2 weeks of vacation with the child, per year. this is a fair rule, but selfishly a sad rule when it is actually excercised. Joey left this morning for one of his weeks of vacation with Daddy. Hes thrilled. im not. as nerve-racking as his 4,393 questions p/day can be, they fill the air with curiosity and zest for life. i miss that ambiance already. im just not so curious and life has dulled a bit. it is quiet, which is a perfect environment to start and to finish the research paper i have at hand, yet i realize now that i'd rather have the chaotic, stressful, overwhelming feeling that ensues every morning when i have entirely too much to do with entirely too little time, but a fresh, bubbly, blue-eyed little boy to play with and listen to as he fills the air and time with his innocent love and whole-hearted approval for life. i'll miss that the next 5 days....


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