mY beauTiful MesS

12 November 2006

aN aLL AmeRicaN fAmiLy (A La 2o06)

it was not so very long ago that i felt rather out of place amongst my peers with regards to my family of origin. it seemed as though i was completely outnumbered when it came to having a family which was still intact, by that i mean a mom and a dad (the original one's..) who were still married. in fact, from what ive heard, we were pretty much a poster family for the 1950's definition of such..a mom, a dad, 2 kids,and a dog (we never had a white picket fence which i think is included in the original meaning of the word, ours was wooden). there were times, in my immature adolescent mindset where i was almost embarressed that my parents were still married, just cuz it wasn't the norm, and i was all about being like everyone else (please dont judge...i had alot of adolescent stupidity moments and thoughts, i dont know where my mind was for about 3 or 4 years ). when i developed a little, mentally speaking, and realized that it was actually a real treasure in this day and age to have a family that still contained all of its original members, they switched it up on me. a divorce ensued and i became like "everyone" else who no longer had parents that were together. and that was that. and yet things did not stay that way for long. oh no, why would they? pretty soon i found myself with a new stepmom and 2 little step brothers. good things. a little bizarre at first, considering my brother and i had been grown and out of the house for quite some time, but exciting no less. and then it became even more bizarre, and yet actually more normal the more i've thought about it. there are some pretty crazy family situations these days no doubt. as sad as it is, untraditional families seem to be outnumbering the traditional ones, which makes mine completely normal:) so, as of tomorrow, 2 days before my 26th birthday mind you, i will have a brand new baby sister! how cool is that? i think its even cooler that Joey will have an aunt that is 4 years younger then him...ha! its crazy indeed, but here in 2006, anything seems to pass as normal, which is what ive always strived to's to normalcy and little sis's:)


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